Health, Safety & Environment

Health, Safety & Environment Statement

All regener8 employees have a responsibility and statutory duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Employees are also required to co-operate with regener8 regarding any duty placed on the employer to enable the employer to discharge the statutory duties under the Act.

As part of our corporate objectives, regener8 seeks continually to improve the quality of the physical working environment for all members and associates of regener8.

The Directors and members of staff will take all reasonably practicable precautions to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of employees and members of the general public who have access to or contact with premises or activities which are directly within the control of regener8.

We recognise our activities impact upon the environment at a local, regional and global level and acknowledges its Duty of Care under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and associated legislation.

We will endeavour to conduct our activities with due regard for the environment through the sustainable use of natural, physical and manufactured resources; minimisation of waste and pollution; and the promotion of responsible business practices.

It is a statutory duty for the Directors to ensure that effective measures are always taken to carry out this policy through effective management and to consult fully with employees in order to ensure the effectiveness of the policy.